Over the last 6 months, Team H has been quietly working hard to make a dream into reality and today it finally happened. After years of talk between us and many months of diligent hard work and perseverance, we are so very proud to say we are the new owners of The Humbird Historic (and Haunted) Hotel Bar & Grill in Humbird, WI!!!
This property is the culmination of all our years together and our life experiences. It’s a beautiful six room hotel with a bar & grill and large living quarters inside! It was built in 1869 and has been certified as haunted by several paranormal groups.
Some of the paranormal activity that has been documented includes:
In the north section of the hotel a nurse has been seen holding what appears to be a tray. This sounds like it could be related to when the building was used as a smallpox hospital during an outbreak in the town in the Fall of 1873.
Ghostly children have also been heard and seen in the north wing area.
A ghostly apparition looking down the stairs.
A spirit of a lady has been seen sitting in a rocking chair at the end of the upstairs north corridor, that faces a window overlooking the railway line.
One of the smaller hotel rooms has what's known as 'The Creeper. A shadow figure that has been seen crawling along the walls.
EVP's have been recorded upstairs in the hotel, as well as in the bar.
The previous owner reported hearing voices in the basement and since refused to go down there. Also they would only go upstairs into the hotel if accompanied.

We’re still in shock that it’s finally happened and we are the proud owners of this historic property! We so cannot wait to host our own ghost hunts and paranormal investigations and conventions. Obviously, when we came to the property to view it, we also brought a few of our ghost hunting tools to see if we could pick anything up to confirm the reports. And we are glad to say, we did!
There’s too many people to thank right now but to all our family and friends who have been on this ride with us for the last six months, we are so deeply grateful for your support and help. We wouldn’t have this place at all if it wasn’t for family finding it and bringing it to our attention, and also being our long distance eyes and ears to help us obtain it.
Watch this space for more news on this exciting Team H Adventure!